Join Us -World Water Forum- Hydro-climatic risk in land planning and management

Session 1.a.2 : 20th March 9:00 – 10:30am 

 Room #30 Theme -Climate 

Addressing hydro-climatic risks is unanimously recognized in international guidelines, and is based on the general principles of integrating public policies which impact water management across a region. The planning and management across a region can contribute to the prevention of hydro-climatic risks inherent in disaster situations and to the mitigation of their impacts effects. including management of water use in agriculture, urban and rural areas and industry. With this session, we intend to discuss different strategies and methodologies for resolving management problems such as the use of decision support systems and economic instruments for building resilience to floods and droughts.
Sustainable Water Future Programme – WATER FUTURE (USA)

French Agency for Development – AFD (France)
Ministry of National Integration (Brazil)
International Water Association – IWA (Thailand office)


● Henk Ovink Special Envoy on Water, Government of The Netherlands, Netherlands

● Dilip Kumar Datta, Professor Khulna University, Bangladesh

● Alpha Sidibe, Ministry of Urban Renewal, Housing and Living Environment, Senegal

● Marcia Alcoforado de Moraes, Professor, Federal University of Pernambuco Brazil

● Mauro Nalesso Water And Sanitation Lead Specialist, InterAmerican Development Bank US/South America

● Jaime Melo Baptista LNEC – Portuguese National Laboratory of Civil Engineering Portugal

● Pilar González Zárate Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente Spain