1-3 June 2015, Washington DC
The Global Water System project (GWSP) and Texas A & M University ( TAMU) are organizing a workshop , entitled “Research gaps in the integrated observations and improved governance for the W-E-F Nexus” to be held in Washington, DC from June 1 to June 3, 2015.
This workshop is part of the Cluster Activity which has been recently launched by Future Earth with an aim to explore how integrated information and new approaches to governance and solutions-oriented research could facilitate the improved management of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus. Clearly, information based on physical measurements, shared and interpreted jointly between these three sectors, could lead to better decisions for the economy and the environment. Perspectives on how to organize the individual sectors may not always lead to coherent policy when the needs all of the three sectors are considered independently, so recent research findings and discussions of governance issues are necessary to define and implement principles needed to coordinate Nexus decision-making for country and transboundary river basins. These conditions will be stressed by economic conditions that often affect the profitability of the food and energy sectors, and by climate change, which will affect water availability and the efficiency of food production. Governance issues could guide the development of renewable energy and other innovations in the food and water sectors, thereby helping mitigate climate change impacts.
This workshop is the first of four being held in different regions of the world in connection with this Future Earth initiative. Each workshop will focus on one or two sectors as well as the overall issue. In addition to addressing general W-E-F Nexus issues, this workshop will focus on concerns related to land management, water management, information systems, including Earth observations, governance approaches and the use of data and model outputs in decision-making.
In particular, the goals of this workshop are:
- Identify gaps in our understanding and our ability to resolve W-E-F Nexus issues;
- Explore the role of governance in the Nexus with an emphasis on water and land management policies and the role of the public and private sectors at local, national and international levels; and
- Identify observation types, datasets, tools, pilot projects and program strategies whereby Earth observations can be effectively integrated into decision-making within emerging W-E-F Nexus collaborations.
Explore trans-Atlantic opportunities for scientific, business, government and civil society links and collaborations in the Nexus. While some of these goals will be common for all four workshops, others are specific to this workshop. The Global Water System Project (GWSP) and its follow-on on Sustainable Water Futures in the Future Earth programme will play a lead role in documenting the findings of the workshop and ensuring that the results are integrated with other workshops and programmes.
Presentations at this workshop will include both invited and unsolicited papers. Space will be available for posters and a viewing session is planned in conjunction with a reception on June 2, 2015. Oral presentations will generally be restricted to overview talks and the focus will be on discussion of information systems, data and research needs, policy development opportunities and governance issues.
Important Dates:
- Deadline for abstract submission – April 15, 2015
- Notification of acceptance of papers – May 1, 2015
- Workshop Dates – June 1-3, 2015
Further Information:
- Space is limited, so you are encouraged to register early for the workshop.
Please Note: Link has been removed as is no longer available - Future Earth Cluster Activity: A fast track towards sustainability in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus