Early Career Scientists Meeting on W-E-F Nexus at Trier University, Germany
In early October an inspiring Academy was held at Trier University on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus and its implications for Governance. Organized by Antje Bruns (Trier University), Claudia Pahl-Wostl (Osnabrück University) and Anik Bhaduri (Water Future) the Academy followed a twofold objective: strengthen and stimulate scientific inquiry on the Nexus as well as capacity building and network formation. In total, 16 motivated young PostDoctoral scholars had the chance to present, discuss and improve their individual research proposal while interacting with senior researchers in their thematic area of interest. Generally the format of the Academy was highly dialogue oriented.
Thematic and skill oriented input was given from the senior lecturers that came from different disciplinary fields. All lecturers – namely Roland Schulze, Louis Lebel, Carlo Giupponi, Marianela Fader, Saravanan Subramanian and Andrew Ross – presented their ideas why the Nexus offers indeed a novel research perspective and shared their success strategies in Academia: Louis Lebel for instance moderated a discussion on what is a good research question by drawing on the example of the W-E-F in the Mekong region and Roland Schulze (South Africa) shared a dozen tips derived from a highly productive life as researcher.
The one-week intensive Academy for PostDoctoral Researchers was a follow-up on the Symposium on Water-Energy-Food Nexus and Implications for Governance held in Osnabrück in June 2016. The Academy was financially supported by the DFG (German Research Foundation) and it is foreseen to organize another workshop in the coming year.
News courtesy of :
Prof. Dr. Antje Bruns,
Head of Governance and Sustainability Lab
Trier University, Germany