Dates: 8-10 December 2010
Location: Bonn, Germany
List of Participants: (PDF 68KB)
The GWSP-SSC meeting will start after the closure of the GCI Conference “The Global Dimensions of Change in River Basins” in the venue of the conference. The conference is expected to end at approximately 14h. The start of the SSC meeting is 15 30h. It is foreseen to have on this afternoon a part of the meeting (approximately one hour-long) a closed session involving members of the SSC and staff of GWSP IPO only.
Day One: 8 December 2010
Session One

15h 30 – 16h 00
Agenda I-1.
Welcome, tour de table, introduction of the new SSC member Prof. Jain
Agenda I-2.
Discussion and approval of the minutes of the 7th SSC meeting (SSC-8-I-2)
Agenda I-3. Review of the draft and establishing of the agenda for the 8th session of the SSC (SSC-8-I-3)
16h 00 – 17h 00
Agenda I-4. Report of associated projects and discussion: Model Intercomparison Project (Frank Voss, University of Kassel) Twin2Go Project (Claudia Pahl-Wostl, University of Osnabrück) Consistent Assessment of Global Green, Blue and Virtual Water Flows in Food Production (Dieter Gerten, PIK Potsdam)
Presentations: Frank Voss (
PDF, 1MB); Claudia Pahl-Wostl (
PDF, 569KB)
17h 00 – 17h 15
Coffee break (non SSC members and non IPO staff leave the meeting)
Session Two (closed)
17h 15 – 18h 15
Agenda I-5. Report of the IPO on operational and strategic matters, discussion of the follow up of the 7th SSC meeting resolutions/decisions (SSC-8-I-5)
Agenda I-6. Any other business
18h 30 – 20h 00
Reception SSC members, all invited participants of the SSC meeting from 9th December onwards, donor and other ministry representatives, leading academics and research institutes in Bonn, staff of IHDP Secretariat and GWSP IPO are invited to attend the kick off reception.
Day Two: 9 December 2010
Open Day
The sessions on this day are attended by invited guests and representatives of the GEC programmes and ESSP.
Session 3
8h 30 – 9h 00
Agenda II-1. Opening, welcome of guests, introductory round
9h 00 – 9h 20
Agenda II-2. Overview of GWSP by the Co-Chairs
9h 20 – 10h 20
Agenda II-3. Reports of Work programme implementation (only highlights are mentioned): GCI (questionnaire action, Workshop February 2010 and GCI conference 6-8 December 2010, GSI (Nature article), GWNI incl. Global Water Governance (workshop), IPO (water and migration, Digital Water Atlas) Charlie Vörösmarty, Claudia Pahl-Wostl, Janos Bogardi, Holm Voigt (SSC-8-II-3/…………..)
10h 20 – 10h 50
Coffee break
10h 50 – 11h 20
Agenda II-4. Reports of regional initiatives and activities and the development of regional nodes of GWSP (China/Asia, Africa) Roland Schulze, Jun Xia.
Presentations: Jun Xia (
PDF, 1MB ;
PDF, 1MB) and Roland Schulze (
PDF, 973KB)
11h 20 – 12h 20
Agenda II-5. Presentations of the GEC programmes (IHDP, IGBP, WCRP, DIVERSITAS) Anantha Duraiappah, NN, Olga Zolina, Anne-Hélène Prieur-Richard
Presentations: Ninad Bondre (
PDF, 2MB) and Olga Zolina (
PDF, 958KB) and Anne-Hélène Prieur-Richard (
PDF, 2MB).
12h 20 – 13h 30
Lunch break
Session 4
13h 30 – 13h 50
Agenda II-6. Presentation of ESSP activities and context Rik Leemans and Ada Ignaciuk
Presentations: Rik Leemans and Ada Ignaciuk (
13h 50 – 14h 05
Agenda II-7. Presentation of ZEF, University of Bonn (host of GWSP IPO) Joachim von Braun
Presentation: Joachim von Braun (
14h 05 – 14h 25
Agenda II-8. UN Water and UNU-INWEH Zafar Adeel
Presentation: Zafar Adeel (
14h 25 – 14h 40
Agenda II-9. Presentation of the GEC Human Health Project Lucilla Spini
Presentation: Lucilla Spini (
PDF, 785KB)
14h 40 – 15h 00
Agenda II-10. UN Water WWAP and UNESCO IHP Olcay Unver
Presentation: Olcay Unver (
15h 00 – 15h 20
Agenda II-11. UNESCO Center for Water Resources and Global Change, IHP&HWRP Secretariat, BfG, GRDC Koblenz Johannes Cullmann
15h 20 -15h 30
15h 30 – 16h 00
Coffee break
16h 00 -16h 20
Agenda II-12. UFZ, Water Science Alliance, White Paper of Water research challenges, IWRM projects Dietrich Borchardt
Presentation: Dietrich Borchardt (
16h 20 – 16h 40
Agenda II-13. Water programmes of TU Dresden, DFG, and Establishment of UNU-FLORES in Dresden Peter Krebs
16h 40 – 16h 55
Agenda II-14. BiOFresh Project Klement Tockner
Presentation: Nike Sommerwerk (
16h 55 -17h 10
Agenda II-15. GLOWA project, University of Bonn water initiatives Bernd Diekkrüger
17h 10 -17h 30
17h 30 – 17h 45
Agenda II-16. Status of preparation of the GWSP conference in the fall of 2011 Janos Bogardi (SSC-8-II-16)
17h 45 – 18h 30
20h 00 – 23h 00
Dinner (Restaurant zur Lindenwirtin Aennchen in Bonn Bad Godesberg, Aennchenplatz 2, 53173 Bonn)
Day Three, 10 December 2012
The 3rd day is continued with the participation of SSC members including ex-officio members, representatives of ESSP and the GEC programmes.
Session 5
8h 30 – 9h 45
Agenda III-1. Presentations by SSC members IGWCO Community of Practice activities and GEO, Drought studies, GWSP –GEWEX links through RHPs etc Rick Lawford, Joyeeta Gupta, Felino Lansigan, Sharad Jain. Teleconnections between global catchments through virtual water trade Hong Yang.
Presentations: Richard Lawford (
PDF, 2MB); Joyeeta Gupta (
PDF, 1MB); Felino Lansigan (
PDF, 52KB); Sharad Jain (
PDF, 991KB); Hong Yang (
PDF, 268KB), Charles Vörösmarty (
9h 45 – 10h 15
Agenda III-2. Discussion of the presentations of Session 2 and Session 3. Distill consequences for GWSP and its future activities and priorities for 2011.
10h 15 – 10h 45
Coffee break
10h 45 – 11h 30
Agenda III-3. Discussion of future activities in GCI, GSI, GWNI and Global Water Governance, Digital Water Atlas, Water and Health, Water and Migration, Water Score Cards and Water and CC Mitigation initiatives and the GWSP Conference
11h 30 – 12h 30
Agenda III-4. Synthesis phase of GWSP: activities and products envisaged for the period 2011-2014 incl. the GWSP science conference in 2011, Open Science Conference in London, World Water Forum, Rio +20 etc all in 2012
12h 30 – 14h 00
Lunch break. A working lunch will be held together with the representatives of the Project Support Office (DLR) of BMBF Uta von Witsch and Lothar Quintern and Joachim von Braun (ZEF)
Session 6
14h 00 – 14h 30
Agenda III-5. Brainstorming over the future of IPO beyond its present funding phase till 2012 (SSC-8-III-5)
14h 30 – 15h 00
Agenda III-6. Brainstorming over the future structure and composition of SSC (SSC-8-III-6)
15h 00 – 15h 30
Coffee break
15h 30 – 17h 30
Agenda III-7. Brainstorming (kick off the process) GWSP after 2014, research needs, ideas, trajectories, major thrusts, funding opportunities and strategic partnerships for a potential second phase 2015 – 2025 of GWSP (SSC-8-III-7)
17h 30 – 18h 00
Agenda III-8. Closing of the 8th session of GWSP SSC
Any other business. Next meeting of SSC, its venue and time slot (SSC-8-III-8)