GWSP Archive: Water Governance

Twin2Go – Coordinating twinning partnerships towards more adaptive water governance in river basins

Twin2Go reviewed, consolidated, and synthesised research on integrated water resources management (IWRM) in basins around the world. Building on a selection of case studies from past and ongoing IWRM research projects, Twin2Go drew policy relevant research results on issues around ‘adaptive water governance in the context of climate change’ that are transferable to other basins. To ensure up-take of the research results in water resources management practice and political decision making, all synthesis activities involved stakeholders from the projects and basins and outcomes were effectively disseminated to all relevant levels of target groups including high level decision makers in water policy.

Twin2Go s overall goal is to increase the output and benefit of research by consolidating results and using synergies. This will help to build up the critical mass that will reach audiences at the policy making level and promote implementing research results.

Coordinator:  Claudia Pahl-Wostl, Institute of Environmental Systems Research, University of Osnabrück, Germany (GWSP Co-Chair)

Principal Investigator:  Christian Knieper, Institute of Environmental Systems Research, University of Osanbrück, Germany

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